"Do you think it matters how many people someone has slept with?"
And that not-so-old man replied:
"No, and it particularly bothers me that women are held to a different standard on this front than men. It's such a weird thing to care about. Like, if I imagined I tried eating Cheerios for breakfast. Would Cheerios be like 'I'm the 48th cereal you've tried eating?! I don't feel special'. Well then, screw you, Cheerios, I can't go into the past and uneat all those cereals, but that doesn't mean I don't genuinely enjoy your wholegrain crunch..."
-John Green (sorry if you were expecting Dumbledore)I wholeheartedly agree with that statement, hmm-yes *strokes mustache*
Slut shaming is an automatic reactions for most of us, and it isn't alright to do. Do you want people telling you that the color of your hair is disgusting and you should feel bad about choosing that for yourself? Or having people make fun of a new piercing you got that you were happy about, telling you that you're ugly for having it? No, you don't.
True, that still happens, but less so than slut shaming. People who choose a more adventurous sexual life than others are often ostracized because of the stereotypes that have been placed upon them. They're constantly under harsh criticism, always assumed to be having unprotected and unsafe sex, and that they're a slave to their sexual needs.
To put it plainly, slut shaming is the thought of insulting a woman/girl, and attacking her in some cases, for having multiple sexual partners, expresses her sexuality, and acting on sexual feelings, whether or not she has been sexually active.
Primarily, it is targeted towards women, and it's implying that women indulging in sex that is not "normal", then she's a harlot and should be considered inferior. And yet, men are almost encouraged to do so in our society. They're not held to the same standards as women are. In fact, I rarely ever hear anyone call a man a "slut", unless they're joking. For women, it's implied that they can only have sex if love in involved, but it's natural for men to have sex without love, and with whoever they want to. Messed up, isn't it?
Slut shaming can come in many forms. It can simply be calling someone a "slut", "wench", "hussy", "tramp", "trollop", "whore", etc; to limiting a woman's desire to show off her body, or disapproving of a woman's decision to wear sexy clothing.
Of course, there have been groups that are trying to do away with slut shaming by claiming the title. "Yes, I'm a slut and I'm proud!" is an example of what you might see at a local SlutWalk (a walk to challenge ideas of slut shaming, facebook link below).
All in all, being a sexually active woman is nothing to be ashamed of. You have the right to express your sexual self without having to live up to the "experienced virgin" expectations of society. It's terribly upsetting that women are called sluts just because they want to live a healthy, natural lifestyle (of course I would argue that cheating is another matter entirely, and I do not support cheating).
For more information on slut shaming, as well as many other things, please follow the links below to these sites:
Finally, A Feminist 101 Blog
Huffington Post article: "Teen Girls Take A Stand Against Slut Shaming..."
SlutWalk Facebook Page
I hope this has been of some help to you folks, and I'll talk to you soon!